
Borja Bordel, Pilar Mareca, New teaching and learning methodologies in the smart higher education era, a study case, Wikipedia

Smart education systems and methodologies are based on the deep integration of information technologies in the educational process. Among all the tools belonging to the environment of teaching technologies, wikis have been reported as ideally suited for collaborative learning. Several Universities around the world are running Projects and events about the use of wikis in higher education. Therefore, in this paper the authors explore the use of wikis in the higher educational institutions, being focused on a special case: Wikipedia. Wikipedia presents special characteristics which make it perfect to not only reach the specific learning objectives of a certain particular subject, but also the transversal abilities so demanded today (such as teamwork or social responsibility). Finally, the authors analyze more deeply the experiences about the use of Wikipedia conducted in the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the obtained results are presented.

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