
Domenico Fiormonte, Teresa Numerico, Francesca Tomasi, The Digital Humanist. A Critical Inquiry

TABLE OF CONTENTS* // Preface: Digital Humanities at a Political Turn? by Geoffrey Rockwell / PART I: The Socio-Historical Roots — Chap. 1: Technology and the Humanities: A History of Interaction — Chap. 2: Internet, or The Humanistic Machine / PART II: Theoretical and Practical Dimensions — Chap. 3: Writing and Content Production — Chap. 4: Representing and Archiving — Chap. 5: Searching and Organizing / Conclusions: DH in a Global Perspective *see more full Table of Contents + Preface in http://punctumbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/TOC\_Preface\_WEB.pdf

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